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Divest and have a Happy(er) Valentine’s Day!

Today, just a quick post to say that Global Fossil Fuel Divestment Day has begun.  So why not take a look at your investments and see if you can switch to something less destructive.  Even if you are not an investor, there are still ways you can help.

Check out these posts…

I also put together a little President’s Day weekend reading list for you. Some of my own posts, plus some posts over the past week or two from around the web that I thought were really good. I hope you enjoy them!

Here’s an interesting little article from The Guardian — Climate change on Valentine’s Day: what might you lose that you love? – readers submit photos and captions about what they love that might disappear forever with climate change.

This article from Mother Jones, hits the nail on the head… Vaccines Are One of Our Best Weapons Against Global Warming  Just reading the title, I was a tad skeptical.  However, the people at the greatest risk from climate change are also the poorest.  Vaccination is maybe the single most important effort that has prevented the suffering and death of millions of people over recent human history.  And a vaccinated person, is a healthier and stronger person, thus able to better cope with the aftermath of climate change.  Not to mention all the new (and old) diseases that will be coming on strong as the climate continues to change.

Finally, a story from NPR about how the U.S. military helped beat back Ebola… The U.S. Helped Beat Back Ebola — Only Not In The Way You Might Think.  The U.S. military, is after all, the world’s largest humanitarian organization.

I hope you enjoy this sampling of the web’s finest.  😉

I’m working on two new posts now; one will be an update on where we are with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, addressing a few criticisms of the EPA’s proposed changes to the ozone regulations, and a brief discussion about who is most at risk from climate change and why.  (here’s a link to –> my Ebola articles)

The second post will attempt to explain how it is that with all the global warming we can still have monster snow storms in the winter.  I’ll dig into the latest research on that topic.  So please stay tuned.

Happy Valentine’s Day, stay safe, work hard, be happy.

– T.G.

(Free cover image above provided by

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