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The Best Energy Transition Podcasts

The Best Energy Transition Podcast

There is a fundamental and accelerating change taking place in the energy industry — the transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy. It is unstoppable and inevitable as the price of alternative energy becomes cheaper than fossil fuels.

There is also an emerging subset of climate change podcasts that focus specifically on this transition. These podcasts are often more business oriented and practical in their focus.

Many of these podcasts are produced by business analysts, industry insiders, and other highly qualified people. The production values are often very good, and they range from conversational to extremely wonky.

If you want a peek under the hood to learn about the business of alternative energy, costs and benefits, and current and future trends — try some of the excellent podcasts listed below.

Click on the titles below to head straight to that section, or just keep scrolling…

Go here for The Best Climate Change Podcasts post.

Go here for an alphabetical list of all podcasts reviewed or discussed in this blog (available 01/22/2022).

This post last updated: January 2022

New Energy Transition Podcasts

Here are some new energy transition podcasts, or at least new to this blog. They are all quite good.

The Big Switch

From the Columbia University Center for Global Energy Policy...

Welcome to our first season of “The Big Switch.” It’s a five-part series that explores how the power grid works, how it’s changing, and how those changes can benefit society. Your host is Dr. Melissa Lott of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. To slow climate change, we need to transform our buildings, our homes, cars, and the economy as quickly as possible. But how do we do it right? 

A really well done podcast with in depth interviews. The Big Switch is now in its second season. Dr. Lott is also one of the new hosts of The Energy Gang podcast (below).

Listen here: Website and links to other podcast sources

The Climate and Capital Podcast

From Climate and Capital Media“The business and finance of the climate economy—in podcast form. C&C managing editor Jared Downing speaks with climate experts and business leaders and helps you stay up to date on the latest climate news and issues.”

Sort of new. Was listed here before, but finally gave it a good listen. It’s now a favorite podcast, with excellent interviews on the business side of climate change, running 20 to 30 minutes long. They haven’t published since September 2021. Hopefully this is a short break, and not a permanent one.

Listen here: Website | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | GooglePodcasts

The Interchange

“The Interchange is a podcast on the global energy transformation providing deep insights into technology, markets, projects, company financials, mergers and acquisitions, policy changes, and market data.”

Like the Energy Gang podcast below, this pod is a project of GreenTech Media.

Listen here: Website and other podcast sources

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The Best Energy Transition Pods

Only a few here now because this is a relatively new class of podcast. The Big Switch listed above, will definitely make it to this category on the next update!

The Energy Gang

“Looking to understand the fast-changing world of energy? This isn’t your ordinary energy business show. Every week, we debate and discuss the latest trends in energy, cleantech, renewables, and the environment. Join us as we explore the forces transforming energy markets in America and around the world.

A podcast with three hosts talking about the business of clean energy. Often with in depth interviews with entrepreneurs in the clean energy space. It’s a lot more interesting than it sounds, and very timely and relevant.

They recently had a complete change of the three hosts of the podcast, so we’ll see how that works.

Listen here: website | Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

Columbia Energy Exchange Podcast

Columbia Energy Exchange

Columbia Energy Exchange features in-depth conversations with the world’s top energy and climate leaders from government, business, academia and civil society. The program explores today’s most pressing opportunities and challenges across energy sources, financial markets, geopolitics and climate change as well as their implications for both the U.S. and the world.

In-depth interviews with all sorts of interesting folks and heavy hitters, from think tanks to politicians to industry players. I’ve listened to this podcast a fair bit lately. One of the hosts is a bit of a mansplainer on occasion, but overall this is a great podcast.

Listen here: website and other podcast sources

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You Might Also Like…

More energy transition and policy podcasts for your information and entertainment…

Energy Policy Now

Energy Policy Now offers clear talk on the issues that define our relationship with energy and its impact on society and the environment.

From the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania… “The Kleinman Center fosters impactful research, develops the next generation of energy leaders, and provides a home for stakeholders to explore complex issues. We create the conditions for policy innovation that support a just and efficient transition to sustainable energy.”

Check out the insuring climate risk podcast, from a while back. It was super interesting.

Listen here: Website and other podcast sources

Direct Curent Podcast

Direct Current

No specific description is given by the makers of this podcast, but this is straight from the horse’s mouth, the US Department of Energy. The US government is the 800 pound gorilla of energy in the room.

The podcast cover a range of topics from tribal energy to nuclear power to federal policy to interviews with key players, such as the Secretary of the Department of Energy. And judging by the funny titles of the podcasts, someone’s got a sense of humor there (e.g. “Krusty in spaaace!” or “DUNE: the neutrinos must flow” 🙂 )

Listen here: website | Apple Podcasts

Energy 360 Podcast

Energy 360 (a.k.a Energy and Sustainability from CSIS)

Energy 360° examines the energy landscape from the intersection of policy, markets, technologies, and geopolitics. With commentary from leading energy and CSIS experts, we provide context and perspective on the most critical issues shaping energy today. Hosted by the CSIS Energy Security and Climate Change Program.

This podcast covers energy from an international perspective. These podcasts are about 30 minute or so, in-depth interviews with policy analysts and other folks from all over the world. It seems like it’s mostly analysts from CSIS interviewing analysts from other policy organizations around the world. They discuss topics from Chinese climate leadership, to the state of the Russian energy market, to energy in developing countries. Definitely worth listening to get a broad international perspective.

Also, CSIS has a boatload of podcasts on other topics, including international politics, trade, science, defense, and so on.

Listen here: website | Apple Podcasts

Politico Energy Podcast

Politico Energy

The latest news in energy and environmental politics & policy – must-know stories and candid insights from POLITICO’s ten-person energy team and journalists across our newsroom. All in just five minutes each morning.

This is a pretty good podcast, though not strictly about energy, despite the title. It’s a short daily news-like podcast about some aspect of energy and climate change. I like it, even though it has an unfortunate sponsor. The sponsor doesn’t seem like it has influenced the content though, but it could be subtle.

Listen here: website and other podcast sources

Switched On

The future of energy, transport, sustainability and more, as told by BNEF analysts. Each week, Mark Taylor and Dana Perkins sit down with Bloomberg NEF (BNEF) analysts to uncover the key findings and stories behind their latest research.

Great interviews about energy and sustainability, usually about 30 minutes long. I always learn something new and interesting. Podcasts like this that talk about the nuts and bolts of energy transition give me hope that despite all the stupid politics, the change IS happening.

Listen here: website and all podcast sources

The Energy Transition Show

“Longtime energy expert Chris Nelder interviews some of the smartest and most knowledgeable people in energy, exploring global infrastructure and markets during the ongoing transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewables. Designed to stimulate discussion about the difficult questions rather than reinforce preconceived answers, the Energy Transition Show covers oil, gas, coal, solar, wind, emerging renewables, nuclear, grid power, transportation systems, macroeconomics, and more, including the latest news and research, policy developments, and market events.”

A very in-depth podcast about the energy industry focussing on the transition to alternative energy, also with scattered podcasts on climate science and politics.  This show has an interesting subscription model — the first half an hour is free, but then you have to be a paying member to hear the full episode. 

The topics and interviews are very in-depth policy and technical interviews with industry and political insiders.  So if you are in the industry you might consider paying, otherwise the first half hour is usually interesting enough.

Listen here: website | Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

More Power To You

“Podcasting about the policy and politics shaping our clean energy economy.”

A bi-weekly podcast about clean energy advocacy.  I find it very interesting and well done, with great guests from grass-roots advocacy organizations to industry insiders to academics to politicians.  Clean energy is the foundation to transition from fossil fuels, and this podcast gets to the heart of that.

Looks like this one stopped in 2019. Some great content.

Listen here: website and all podcast sources

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Sustainable Business…

This might be a new category of podcast! So far there are only a small handful of podcasts I know of in this category. I’m sure there will be many more in the future as sustainable business and circular economics become mainstream.

Green Biz 350 Podcast

GreenBiz 350

“GreenBiz 350 is the weekly podcast about the people and companies behind the headlines in sustainable business and clean technology.”

While not strictly about energy transition, this podcast focusses on business and corporate sustainability and adaptation to climate change.

If you’re specifically interested in sustainable business and supply chains then you will go nuts for this show. Also, the podcast is part of a larger website that deals with business issues related to sustainability and climate change.

Listen here: website | Apple Podcasts | SoundCloud

Well there’s a plethora of potential podcasts for your energy transition pleasure! If you know of any energy transition or climate policy related podcasts, feel free to comment below. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “The Best Energy Transition Podcasts”

  1. The Climate Advisor

    Hi Jamie, that looks like an interesting podcast about the energy transition! We’ll be sure to add it to our playlist and check it out. Thanks!

  2. Hey there! I just stumbled upon your podcast roundup on energy and thought I’d share a cool find with you. Have you heard of Grid Forward? They’re a regional non-profit that focuses on speeding up grid modernization. They also have a podcast called Grid Forward Chats, which is now in its 5th season and could be a great addition to your list. One of their latest episodes features Hanna Grene from Microsoft, along with Marissa Hummon from Utilidata and Marc Spieler from NVIDIA, discussing the integration of AI into the electric grid—super interesting stuff! This season also includes Whitney Muse, a Senior Policy Advisor at the White House, who talks about grid modernization and resiliency programs under the Biden Administration. There’s also a joint discussion on energy markets with Pablo Vegas from ERCOT, Barbara Bugg from SPP, and Mike Law from AESO. Additionally, David Springe, the Executive Director at NASUCA, shares insights on the modern grid and energy affordability. Check it out:

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